Healing herbs from Peru: Canchalagua leaf

Canchalagua Set (5 bags)

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Canchalagua is regarded by some natives in Peru as an anti-inflammatory, digestive, antitussive (stops coughing), capillary tonic, diuretic, and hypoglycemic.

It has been employed as an herbal remedy for kidney, liver, and renal problems, diabetes, allergies, yeast infections, prostate inflammation, digestive disorders and intestinal gas, rheumatism, and various skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, and eczema.

The plant is also considered a good diuretic and used for various kidney and renal disorders including urinary tract infections and kidney pain. It is also often relied on as a soothing tea to ease nausea and stomachaches, and as a general digestive aid.

Canchalagua contains germacranolides, heliangolides, sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, and sulfur compounds. The plant's anti-inflammatory reputation might be attributed to a sesquiterpene found in Canchalagua named costunolide which has been documented to inhibit NF-kappaB (a chemical involved in the inflammatory process in the body).

Weight: 75 Gr. - 2.65 Oz